This fourth volume departs from the format of the first three books in that it deals with the wagons of one particular industry the Welsh anthracite coal trade. Anthracite differed from other Welsh coal in that it was a 'premium' product and much in demand all over the country and abroad. The wagons carrying it could thus be found virtually anywhere on the railway system as well as at the main Welsh anthracite exporting docks such as Swansea. It was also a coal which was mined initially by many small companies who soon fell prey to take-overs and amalgamations leading eventually to the formation of Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries Limited. This volume deals with wagons owned by the collieries themselves, by the colliery agents and coal shippers who dealt in anthracite, and by some of the smaller coal factors and merchants connected with the trade. As in the previous volumes reference is made to where models of the wagons illustrated can be obtained and a full list of sources for the original material used to compile this book is given.