Edited by Paul Karau, who leads with some recollections and reflections on inspiring and influential modellers from the past. The first article is "Chatsworth Road" a very nice BR blue era interpretation of Rowsley as it might have been (let down a bit by some rather poor images unfortunately), which is followed by what I thought was a really interesting and informative article by David Hunt about the history and formation of Scaleseven, told through his acquiring a very beautiful "H Class" Midland 0-6-0. Small suppliers forum and improving Bachmann fitted opens follow, before a wonderful article on building Isle of Wight coaching stock from Andy Gannon. Next is something a bit unusual, a 3mm scale build of a 4F from a 3SMR kit, followed by Trevor Pott having Churston's grass "tarted up" with the help of Neil Podberry(!) A weighbridge scene and an early Victorian chaff cutter completes the line up, plus letters.