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In Stock Condition: Good
Published by: Roger Harris
Author: Roger Harris

The Storage & Disposal of BR Mark 1-Mark 4 Loco Hauled Coaching Stock & NPCCS Volume 3: 21000-80044

The third volume in this series containing a detailed listing of all British Railways’ Mark 1 to Mark 4 loco-hauled coaching stock and non-passenger carrying coaching stock to have been built. This volume covers coaching stock numbered in the series 21000-80044.

For every coach, details are included of the date it was condemned or withdrawn from service, followed by a brief description of how the vehicle was disposed of, with dates as appropriate. Details of renumbering or conversion to departmental stock are included.

The Storage & Disposal of BR Mark 1-Mark 4 Loco-Hauled Coaching Stock & NPCCS Volume 3: 21000-80044 also includes tables of carriage names, coaching stock converted to EMUs and BR coaching stock lot numbers. The coaching stock built for the failed Nightstar project is also included in this volume and a section to update Volume 1 completes the book. 140 pages.


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