Robin Simmonds continues his history of the PTR and SWMR
with an account of the period from 1908 to 1922 when they were
worked by the GWR. The PTR&D�s 1894 Act also authorised the
company to make a new dock at Port Talbot and the construction
and development of this part of the company�s undertaking from
1894 to 1922 are then described. The history of the PTR&D and
SWMR as independent companies is completed with accounts of
their finances and of the men who were responsible for guiding
their fortunes. The PTR&D and SMWR were absorbed into the
enlarged GWR in 1922 and 1923 respectively, and thus became
part of the nationalised British Railways in 1948. The railways saw
relatively little development during this period and were mostly
closed by the 1960s, but the docks and the industry around them
continued to expand, culminating in the modern Abbey Works at
Port Talbot. The volume closes with an account of what would
have been encountered during journeys along the lines of the
PTR and SWMR in their heyday, and of the industries, principally
collieries, that were served, and with an illustrated survey of the
private owner wagons which conveyed their output.
Hardcover,304 pages.