This eighth volume of the series continues toexpand the knowledge of British Private Owner wagons, their owners and their operation. Indeed, within these covers is much new material which has recentlycome into the public domain and which adds greatlyto the understanding of the subject.
As usual a wide variety of owners and operators are covered, with over seventy individual owners and companies being looked at. As with previous volumes it is prolifically illustrated, both with official wagon builders images and with views of the wagons in service.
A further section covers the new material including the records of the Midland Waggon Co. which add considerably to knowledge of owners dealt with in previous volumes. The records of Bradford & Sons of Yeovil have also now become available giving a wagon by wagon, day by day, overview of the company's operations giving an invaluable insight into the way the wagon fleet earned its money.
The cover has some minor damage to the bottom of right hand corners.
As in the earlier volumes, reference is made to where models of the wagons illustrated can be obtained and a full list of sources for the original material used to compile this book is given.